
Awaken to Your Whole Life
Wholelife.TV and Wholelife City Hubs
Since 1981, Wholelife has been one of the pioneers and leaders in the Quality of Life marketplace, producing over one hundred expositions and conferences, serving over 10,000 customers (authors, practitioners, artists, conscious businesses and NGO’s) and gathering over two million attendees across the USA.
The Quality of Life Marketplace is driven by a community of people interested in personal/professional/spiritual development, healthy and eco-centric lifestyles, conscious commerce, and global citizenry. It is one of the fastest-growing segments valued at more than $400B USD in the US (60+M adults), more than $600B globally (including 80+M adults in the EU), and served in the US by market-leading brands such as Oprah, Whole Foods, TED and more.
Wholelife is an established, recognized brand with Boomers and GenXers, while its name serves as a meme source for millennials and their preferred lifestyle choices.
After years in hiatus, Wholelife is ‘passing the baton’ to the next generation, going online and global. Wholelife has developed a business model that nurtures an online environment through Wholelife.TV alongside physical events/spaces with Wholelife City Hubs, providing a holistic ecosystem that integrates and curates content, commerce and community: WholeLife-Style.
Curation: In today’s market, which produces an overwhelming amount of content, the need for curation is greater than ever; Wholelife.TV solves this need by partnering with industry Mavens to create high-level curation (a Maven broad spectrum topic expert, and a lifestyle host on Wholelife.TV) – responsible for curating high level content and offerings for their respective channel each week.
Categorized: Wholelife.TV offers “topic-based channels” (ie. Yoga) focused on delivering the best and latest content, products, and services in the Quality of Life marketplace through consumer-focused channels managed by our Mavens.
Mavens: Well-versed in the current market offerings, products and services, Mavens produce a weekly review of the most current news in their industry (ie. 20 minute show) while following a templated model provided by the Wholelife editorial content team. The template-style editorial model enables a consistent look and feel for all of the topic-based channels, yet allows each lifestyle host to infuse their own unique style and personality into their show (inspired by his/her sense of ownership as champions of the market).
Wholelife.TV will be syndicated to hundreds of websites and social media pages that already reach millions of people. Our service will use the familiar subscription model (with marketplace discounts) used by previous multimedia platforms to serve our audiences, customers and networks with a curated ecosystem across channels, commerce and community.
Progress Report:
The new Wholelife Expo is ready for licencing in the USA. Discussions are under way for the 2022 10 day Nile tour for 160 people, culminating with the Cairo Expo.
– Wholelife Hubs plans are all detailed and ready for an Architect Designer to come in and create the blue prints.
– Wholelife Arabia Plans are also all ready togo.
– Wholelife TV has started it’s 1st curated channel ‘The Conscious Parenting channel’.
Current Needs:
• An Investor/Partner to open the 1st WLH (wholelife city hub) preferably in the Middle East, but could be any city.
• Individuals wishing to licence the New Wholife Expo in their local city in the USA.
• Mavens interested in curating and building the 1st wholelife TV hubs, connecting community, content and commerce. (Ideally the ‘Yoga Channel’, but we are open).
• An Event Producer/Manager interested in partnering with us in the next large-scale Egypt tour, culminating with the Wholelife Expo in Cairo 2022 – overseeing the pyramids.
Aytopia, the first Live Biz Dev by a Startup