If you are an author, teacher, researcher, documentraian, doctor, shaman or guide with knowledge to share about entheogens, particularly the master plant sacraments Ayahuasca, Iboga/ibogaine, Cannabis, Psilocybin, and San Pedro/Peyote we invite you to join our curated community.
Ability to browse our growing curated media library of podcasts, blogs, videos, books, and courses by mentors and masters in the entheogenic arena, including Iboga Saves blog, Meet me in the Mushroom podcast, Entheogens & Language, Iching Course for Addiction Recovery, and more.
- Your membership fees will contribute to ending the opioid epidemic through our non-profit program FEAT (Funding Entheogenic Addiction Treatments) which aims to give travel, precare, treatment, and integration grants for addicts to travel to clinics in countries where it is legal to be treated with ibogaine, the plant medicine that interrupts opioid (and other hard addictions) addiction in a single treatment with little or no withdrawal symptoms. Learn more about FEAT. Learn more about Ibogaine.
- You will also have the ability to create a profile on the social network and follow, connect, email, upload media, post, and join curated groups, as well as attend events and register for courses.
- Create Courses, with Student Groups and Discussion Forums and promote them on as well as on other channels.
- Create live Zoom events