Inner Journey with Shaman Durek

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This guided meditation is a Shamanic Journey, Some part of the meditation or guided meditation have shamanic drumming. If you ask yourself how to find inner power, what is spirit meditation, shamanism or a shaman, this guided meditation strongly for you! Embark into an inner journey of healing, peace, and love of shamanic music, tuned to 432Hz with theta waves, with binaural beats music healing.
Enjoy this Deep meditation with Shaman Durek voice and Healing Waves Music.
Inner Journey
Shaman Durek is a 6th generation shaman who has devoted decades to study and practice in becoming a thought leader and spiritual enthusiast for people all over the world. His focus is on educating people on how to make shamanism a life style choice for evolutionary adaptation. He is an author, activist and a women’s empowerment leader.